Stop Balloon Waste Today!
Pledge Now.
I/We pledge to seek balloon alternatives whenever possible.
I/We pledge to encourage participants in our events and activities to abstain from purchasing and bringing balloons are part of decorations or gifts.
I/We pledge to properly dispose of any balloons that do end up at an event or activity.
I/We pledge to promote the wise use of sustainable alternatives to balloons.
Our goal is to stop the use of mylar and latex balloons at events, discourage balloons as gifts or decor, and promote sustainable alternatives to balloons.
Balloon Waste Facts
Balloons kill an estimated 100,000 marine animals per year
Balloons cause thousands of power outages per year when they come in contact with overhead utility lines
Balloons are a waste of helium which is a finite resource that is essential for many medical devices such as MRI’s and other imaging devices
Balloons can travel thousands of miles and pollute remote areas
Balloons are the deadliest form of marine debris for seabirds. A study published in the journal Marine Pollution Bulletin found that seabirds are 32 times more likely to die from ingesting balloons than from ingesting other types of plastic debris
Balloon Alternatives
Plant a native tree or flower garden (Birthday, Remembrance, Holiday, Special Occasion)
Flags, banners and streamers (Birthday, Holiday, Special Occasion, Advertising)
Bunting (Birthday, Remembrance, Holiday, Special Occasion, Advertising)
Tissue paper pom poms (Birthday, Holiday, Special Occasion)
Floating flowers (Birthday, Remembrance, Holiday, Special Occasion)
WIldseed Bombs (Birthday, Remembrance, Holiday, Special Occasion)
Candles and luminaries (Birthday, Remembrance, Holiday, Special Occasion)
Blowing bubbles (Birthday, Remembrance, Holiday, Special Occasion)
Flying wish paper (Remembrance)
Colored lights (Birthday, Remembrance, Holiday, Special Occasion, Advertising)
Unsustainable Balloon Alternatives
Sky Lantern release - this is not an environmentally friendly alternative. Sky lanterns have caused massive fires and killed wildlife
Dove release - domestic birds should not be released into the wild this practice promotes the unnecessary breeding and exploitation of animals
Butterfly release - are not good for the environment and promote the unnecessary breeding and exploitation of animals
“Biodegradable” balloons – can take months or years to break down and pose the same threat to wildlife and contribution to pollution as plastic balloons