Registration is now open for 2024! Click here
The ALO Longboard Classic is a much-anticipated surfing contest and annual event in our local community. It's a combination of surf, music, food, local businesses, and fun, all to help fund our FREE community educational programming and events throughout the year.
The Longboard Classic is called “classic” because boards must be pre-1967, 3' longer than your height, no modifications (original fin etc.). Board rules are relaxed for Boys and Girls Under 15 and Tandem divisions, but no exceptions otherwise.
No leashes allowed!
Registration fills quickly, so once the brackets are full, alternate spots will be open. You must be present on the beach at the time of your heat or an alternate will be selected.
Celebrating 16 years of log rides, high fives & ocean allies!
“A common refrain heard Saturday at the Alliance for a Living Ocean’s Longboard Classic was “the best day of the summer.” The 68th street beach in Brant Beach was the site for competitive surfing, music, food, local businesses and family fun, designed to help fund ALO’s free community programming and events throughout the year. The clouds cleared and the waves were significantly larger than predicted. The deep tide and a south wind didn’t play nice, but the lines came in all day, and the surfers were on them.”
– Jason Capelli for The Sandpaper / Wednesday, August 16, 2023
At ALO, The Longboard Classic was the highlight of our summer and we hope it was yours too. We’re grateful for our local creative community, volunteering their talents – capturing the magic from every angle! Thank you to Ann Coen photography & studio including Josh Ketchum’s overhead shots. And, thank you to Bryan Bacich for volunteering his time to produce this incredible video for the contest’s 15th year.